Monday, March 9, 2015

Womanhood: One Man's Perspective

      Usually these posts are made by Rachel about different updates on our family or different things she has been learning and thinking about.  Today, you get a special treat as I’m (Stephen) going to write about what has been on my mind lately and that topic is womanhood. I think there were a number of reasons God decided to make Eve a helpmeet for Adam. I think one of those reasons is that God knew that if He left Adam alone for too long to manage the earth then it would probably be on fire in 5 seconds. Likewise, my wonderful wife keeps me in check as well, even though she sometimes wonders if she has three kids instead of two.

     Elder Jeffery R Holland said in the October 2005 general conference to the young women, which applies to women of any age, “First of all, I want you to be proud you are a woman. I want you to feel the reality of what that means, to know who you truly are. You are literally a spirit daughter of heavenly parents with a divine nature and an eternal destiny. That surpassing truth should be fixed deep in your soul and be fundamental to every decision you make as you grow into mature womanhood. There could never be a greater authentication of your dignity, your worth, your privileges, and your promise. Your Father in Heaven knows your name and knows your circumstance. He hears your prayers. He knows your hopes and dreams, including your fears and frustrations. And He knows what you can become through faith in Him.

     Ladies, it is time that you wake up to who you really are and never forget it! It makes me sad to see the “mommy wars” and other things like it going on all the time.  I observe what seems to be a constant battle between knowing and appreciating who you are along with being happy with yourself and how the world and today’s media portrays how you should be.  Elder Holland said in the same talk, “One would truly need a great and spacious makeup kit to compete with beauty as portrayed in media all around us.” How the world portrays beauty and what real beauty is are two completely different things! You are beautiful just as you are no matter what shape, size, or color you come in!  I really liked this quote about where beautiful people come from by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross: “The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.” It is time to stop fighting the wars of “who wore it best,” who has the better hair, dress, or makeup.  It is time to stop comparing yourselves to others and appreciate your own beauty. It is time to start giving genuine compliments and uplifting others around you.

     I know motherhood is hard and there are many women out there who haven’t had that blessing yet. Know this: whether now or in the eternities that blessing can become yours in the Lord’s due time. It is time to stop the “mommy wars” and really appreciate every woman and mother for who they are.  Your success and worth as a mother isn’t determined by who has the cleanest house, whose kids are best dressed or behaved, or who has the most pins on Pintrest or Pintrest-like projects going on at home. Motherhood is hard and you do it day in and day out with little to no breaks. I know I couldn’t do it.  Anytime Rachel is gone for an extended amount of time and I’m left alone with my boys I am always very grateful and happy when she comes home.  I know I go to work every day outside the home, but she’s doing as much or more work in our home.  I know I couldn’t do it so I am so very grateful for a wonderful wife that can.  Elder Holland said in his talk, “Because She is a Mother” the following: “Moved by that kind of devotion and determination, may I say to mothers collectively, in the name of the Lord, you are magnificent. You are doing terrifically well. The very fact that you have been given such a responsibility is everlasting evidence of the trust your Father in Heaven has in you. He knows that your giving birth to a child does not immediately propel you into the circle of the omniscient. If you and your husband will strive to love God and live the gospel yourselves; if you will plead for that guidance and comfort of the Holy Spirit promised to the faithful; if you will go to the temple to both make and claim the promises of the most sacred covenants a woman or man can make in this world; if you will show others, including your children, the same caring, compassionate, forgiving heart you want heaven to show you; if you try your best to be the best parent you can be, you will have done all that a human being can do and all that God expects you to do.

     Speaking of trying to be the best parent you can be, we need to have more compassion towards other people, especially if their ideas are different than ours.  Just because someone else does something in a different way than you it doesn’t make it any less valid or important.  For example, the debates that go along with child birth.  If someone chooses to have a baby without an epidural, or with an epidural, or in a hospital, or in a home…it doesn’t matter!  I know there are strong opinions about birth and this isn’t meant to be a political statement but more of a statement on the miracle, beauty, and privilege bearing children is.  Instead of criticizing or judging someone for doing it in a way that is different than how you believe it should be done, celebrate it! Each and every birth is valid, important, and a blessing to each couple that has one.  They need to be celebrated more and criticized less. We need to end the if you do this or don’t do that then you’re a terrible person and will kill or severely maim or emotionally damage your child dialogue because it simply isn’t true and can bring immense shame and guilt.   We also need to give people the benefit of the doubt and believe that they are making the best decision for their children or family when it might be different than how we would do it.  This goes for whether you choose to vaccinate your child or not, whether you circumcise your child or not, whether you home school or have your kids go to public school, if you breastfeed your children or not and a myriad of other hot topic issues that get widely debated.  There needs to be more kindness, more compassion, more love, and less criticism and judgment.

     The world has a way of attacking you in any and every way possible.  It is Satan’s goal to destroy us, make us miserable, and take as many people down with us as possible.  I believe (not to discredit the part of the father in the home) that if Satan can destroy the mother then it is much more likely that he can destroy the whole family with it.  Satan wants you to believe that you’re not pretty enough, not smart enough, not skinny enough, not good or strong enough, a failure at motherhood and everything else in life.  Don’t listen to that garbage, it isn’t true!

     Elder Dieter F Uchtdorf said in his October 2008 address, “To me it appears that our splendid sisters sometimes undervalue their abilities—they focus on what is lacking or imperfect rather than what has been accomplished and who they really are…If that is how you feel, think again, and remember that you are spirit daughters of the most creative Being in the universe. Isn’t it remarkable to think that your very spirits are fashioned by an endlessly creative and eternally compassionate God? Think about it—your spirit body is a masterpiece, created with a beauty, function, and capacity beyond imagination…You may think you don’t have talents, but that is a false assumption, for we all have talents and gifts, every one of us.  The bounds of creativity extend far beyond the limits of a canvas or a sheet of paper and do not require a brush, a pen, or the keys of a piano. Creation means bringing into existence something that did not exist before—colorful gardens, harmonious homes, family memories, flowing laughter.
     My dear sisters, I have a simple faith. I believe that as you are faithful and diligent in keeping the commandments of God, as you draw closer to Him in faith, hope, and charity, things will work together for your good.  I believe that as you immerse yourselves in the work of our Father—as you create beauty and as you are compassionate to others—God will encircle you in the arms of His love.  Discouragement, inadequacy, and weariness will give way to a life of meaning, grace, and fulfillment. As spirit daughters of our Heavenly Father, happiness is your heritage.

    Remember, you are amazing just as you are.  I am so grateful to have such a wonderful wife as I do.  I often ask myself and ponder what I must have done to have been blessed with such an amazing woman.  I am often reminded that the Lord saw fit to bless me with her, in-spite of me and my own shortcomings.  Rachel truly is so patient, kind, compassionate, and supportive of me.  She is the most beautiful woman I know and is such an example to me.  She is a wonderful mother to my two little boys and works hard every day to teach and raise them.  I know it and the Lord knows it.  Is she perfect a perfect person, wife, and mother?  No, she’s not.  Does she have down days, stressful times, ornery stretches, and trials of her own?  You bet she does, just like we all do.  But that is what makes her beautiful and I love her all the more for it.